Annalisa Bollini


Annalisa Bollini was born in Turin, Italy. After a bachelor degree in History of Art she studied Illustration at IED (European Institute of Design) and MIAD (Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design) in the USA. While she was working on her children’s book, “Qui a vole’ le savon?” published by Gallimard Jeunesse, she started using embroidery in her illustrations and never abandoned it. An art, embroidery, to which she arrives after a long search that actually becomes an inner exploration, a return home, to the memory of when her mother, while knitting, transformed yarn of wools into garments to wear. Like one of those encounters between strangers who seem to have known each other forever. Her illustrations have been selected in numerous international illustration contest such as Ilustrarte, Bologna Children’s Book Fair and Nami Concours, and exhibited in Italy and abroad. After earning a Master in Art therapy and another in Didactics of Art, besides the illustrator and textile artist activity she also leads workshops about illustration and embroidery in schools and foundations. Her cycle of illustrations titled ‘Stati d’anima’ ( Soul moods ) has been included in the book “I remember it as happy day. Pages of life and wine”, written by Roberto Racca and published by Allemandi in 2022.